The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the new estimate: Here is a breakdown of the terrifying 2011 statistics:
Age 60 years or older: 10.9 million, or 26.9% of all people in this age group, have diabetes.
Men: 13.0 million, or 11.8% of all men aged 20 years or older, have diabetes.
Women: 12.6 million, or 10.8% of all women aged 20 years or older, have diabetes.
Non-Hispanic whites: 15.7 million, or 10.2% of all non-Hispanic whites aged 20 years or older, have diabetes.
Non-Hispanic blacks: 4.9 million, or 18.7% of all non-Hispanic blacks aged 20 years or older, have diabetes.
Pregnant women: Women who have had gestational diabetes have a 35% to 60% chance of developing diabetes in the next 10–20 years.
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